Steve Farrugia
Steve has been a Coach and Trainer forover 12 years, specializing in soft skills, including Effective Leadership and Communication, building on some 40years of corporate experience aside fromthe study of NLP and hypnotherapy.
His forte in training and coaching lies – perhaps counterintuitively -where his natural weaknesses lie. Having overcome his own shynessand tendency to procrastinate (thanks to training), he is far betterqualified to help people who struggle with performance anxiety andlack of productivity. If he had to describe himself in only one word, itwould have to be as a Communicator.
His deepest passion lies in the study of human behaviour andpersonality types, as these are the foundations of effectivecommunication and personal growth.
His approach as a trainer is generally non-academic, drawing more onpractical methods and from personal experience rather than presentinghigh-strung theories, although he is generally happy to providetechnical explanations where necessary. It may also be possible thathis involvement in hypnotherapy adds some perspective to hisCommunications Training approach.
An essential part of his life mission is to help people excel anddevelop in the work environment, so he is always happy to help andmentor those who are hungry to learn.