This event aims to celebrate and empower women in entrepreneurship, fostering dialogue on the unique challenges and opportunities that female entrepreneurs face. In the framework of the FEM-Up academy, we bring together talented female entrepreneurs from 6 countries to discuss entrepreneurship pathway to success and the evolving job market and the skills needed for tomorrow!
JOBS FOR THE FUTURE also aims at facilitating that women, working in the STEAM fields, learn how to materialize their innovative and business ideas, troubleshoot their innovation and entrepreneurship attempts, and benefit from their own experiences and the experiences of others who have gone the same path before them.
It will thus foster the “mirroring effect” coming along with the personal experience of successful women telling their own stories to young female entrepreneurs.
Date: 06/03/2025
Time: 4 pm (CET)
16h00-16h15. Welcome speech.
Mateja Geder, FEM-Up Project Coordinator – DOBA (SI)
16h15-16h30. Keynote speech: The Unscripted Path: How Life’s Journey Shapes Entrepreneurial Success.
Dr. Andreja Kodrin, Director Quintaum (SI)
16h30-17h00. Panel discussion 1. Crafting Your Big Idea: Shaping your entrepreneurial Journey.
Luciana Garimaldi, FlexLingua (ES)
Georgia (Τζώρτζια) Papageorgiou – CIPD Associate, WhatzNext (GR)
Irene Kamba, The Serendipitous Black Cloud (MT)
17h00-17h10. Break
17h10-17h40. Panel discussion 2. Innovating Through STEAM: Female Entrepreneurs Leading the Way
Nelly Davtyan, Empower MKO Greece (GR)
Aysun Demirdogen-Sener Demirdöğen Şener, Atlas Hub Agri-Tech (TR)
17h40-18h00. Q&A Summary of key insights from the discussions.
Laure Raso, CEEIM (ES)
18h00. Wrapup and Closure of the Event
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